The problem with making strong progress is that I do not accept myself to ever stop or digress, not because I'm too strong for it, but because I do not want to repeat what I have just gotten through. It's just so hard. SO HARD.
Progress. Stoppage. Digress. Progress. Stoppage. Digress.
The cold reality is that I will be on this repetitive cycle for as long as there are remaining breaths in me. The Sisyphean efforts seem defeating. So pointless.
I finished Book One with no grand finale nor fanfare. In fact it is anticlimactic. So I started a sequel and called it...Book Two.
# # #
August 7. Book Two. Chapter One.
The house is empty now. The silence is deafening. I felt incredibly alone yet I wanted zero company today. I had no desire to talk to anyone, or hear my own voice for that matter.

I did literally three things in eleven and a half hours: I went for a skate. I vacuumed the house. I took myself to dinner. A tortoise could've finished everything in five.
It is so much more complicated than "empty nest." I do not have empty-nester syndrome. It's just empty, with incredible holes and unbearable voids that constantly threaten to destroy my hard-earned progress. And tauntingly send me back to Stop.
We were supposed to congratulate and celebrate Kiddo's moving out today. Together. You weren't here.
You. Were. Not. Here.
Sending good thoughts and energy.