I am determined to engage in nothing but positive, meaningful, loving thoughts and activities for the next 72 hours. And I am going to write about them. Writing lifts my spirit.

When she told me the news, I cried. Granted, I cry easily these days but THIS, this momentous news, was worth the tears. The "god-given right" bestowed upon any two heterosexual human beings - whether or not they are worthy or ready - is finally "granted" to my friends. These two women are the most loving, kind-hearted, decent human beings with whom one can only hope to befriend, and they are my good friends. Their legalized marriage now has a personal impact on me.
My tears were genuine happiness, relief, and pride. Proud that we, as a people, are making some progress in humanity. At least in this part of the country.
If we strip away the facade behind the political, religious, and self-righteous mumble jumble, it is all too simple and straightforward: compassion and love. It is much more than tolerance but an expression of human equality and justice. It is to forego the limiting, black and white "conventional absolute" but embrace the gray possibility.
It is courage.
I am not an activist of any kind; I don't need any more labels. I just want the courage to do the right thing when courage is warranted. And if that means openly celebrating my dear friends' marriage, then so be it.
I often remind myself it was not that long ago - perhaps only 70 years ago - that I would not be allowed to marry Eric simply because we are of a different race. That some people had the audacity to deny my right to pursue my happiness was horrific. For the most part, and in most parts of this country, this blatant ignorance has dissolved. In time - hopefully in my lifetime - we, as a race, will make enough courageous progress that marriages between two people regardless of race, gender, and sexual orientation, will simply become un-newsworthy.
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